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Pantac USA photo contest

by News Fairy

Pantac USA have sent overdetails of a photo contest they are running:

Hello Arnie, I just wanted to give you a heads up that we are currently running a photo contest for our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/PantacUSA).  The winner of this contest will receive $250.00 worth of Pantac USA Tactical Gear, of their choosing.  To enter, simply email us a picture (one picture per entry, per person) of your Pantac USA Tactical Gear to Summer2011PhotoContest@PantacUSA.com

We realize that there is tons of cool gear available from other companies, but we ask that at least half of the gear that is pictured is ours.  If it’s not, we will not accept the picture.  If we like your picture well enough, we may ask to use it in a catalog or other promotional material! 

Photo’s starting today to July 21, 2011.  After July 21’st, we will create a photo contest album on our facebook page, in which you can “Like” your favorite pictures.  The winner will be the photo with the most “likes” after one week.  Feel free to get your family and friends to vote for your picture! 

So in summary:

Email us your picture to Summer2011PhotoContest@PantacUSA.com

After July 21st, 2011 we will no longer be accepting pictures, and all pictures we have received will be on this facebook page to vote on.

The Winner is the picture with the most “likes” after one week of voting.

The Winner will receive $250.00 worth of gear of their choosing from Pantac USA

So Submit Your Pictures Now!!! Thanks, (Pantac USA)

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