Home Retailer News Carp spots new WE 3-PX4 pistols at Pyramyd Air

Carp spots new WE 3-PX4 pistols at Pyramyd Air

by News Fairy

Carp at CQB Radio has sent over this great spot from the Pyramyd Air website:

Hey Arn, Carp from CQB Radio here.  I wanted to let you know about 2 great new pistols available at Pyramyd Air.


– Carp (CQB Radio)

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Michael J. West August 12, 2011 - 9:21 am

Not WE. Looking at the model name I can safely say it's your plain ol' ACM 90-bucks-a-pop one.

Arnie August 12, 2011 - 11:12 am

I'll ping Pyramid an email and query them over it.

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