Home Website UpdatesVideos SCDTV – MG42 & PKM functional airsoft replicas

SCDTV – MG42 & PKM functional airsoft replicas

by News Fairy

Michal of Straszydlo has sent over an SCDTV video interview with MG:

Hi! This time we have an interview with our friend MG. He did some great job with his custom made replicas. We forgot to do some shooting:/ Maybe next time :D   More reviews soon.

Cheers, Michal (Straszydlo)

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1 comment

jnievele September 11, 2011 - 8:49 pm

The Sound FX are horrible. There is NO sound while cocking an MG42 (or any of the modern versions), since all you do is pull back the breech. You pull back the handle, which pulls back the breech against the main spring, and you push the handle back forward. The breech will stay back against the main lock – end of story. No lock&load sounds at all, since the MG42 is an open gun, it only locks for the shot, but goes open again for reload&wait.

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