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Potomac advance combat shirt @ AAF4

by News Fairy

Yosser has a new video from the recent Airsoft Arms Fair showing the Potomac advance combat shirt as sold by Intelligent Armour:

imageArnies, at AAF4, Bamf from Airsoft Odyssey got to look at a REAL DEAL combat shirt by POTOMAC and only available through www.intelligent-armour.co.uk as is of course on the blog here.

In this interview with Alex from Intelligent-armour they look at the benefits of this great combat shirt.

Watch out for MORE great AAF4 coverage from Airsoft Odyssey – sign up to the youtube channel NOW: www.youtube.com/yosser65 or follow via twitter: http://twitter.com/Airsoft_Odyssey

Thanks guys! Yosser (Yosser’s Airsoft Odyssey)

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