Home Event News Dead & Alive want you for a zombie extra

Dead & Alive want you for a zombie extra

by News Fairy

C3 TACTICAL have sent over further details of their upcoming zombie event:

So you want to eat human flesh at a Dead & Alive game, but that undead brain can’t comprehend the notion of a monetary system? Never fear! C3 are offering you the possibility of being a ‘zombie extra’ for FREE, in the forthcoming D&A games in order to fill the site with walking corpses. These players will not progress a character, or need to feed on the dead, but are still lethal to survivors and will need taking out just the same.


Thick clothing or padded gear is recommended as you will be getting hit and shot at from close ranges. Think what kind of zombie might have thick clothes and dress appropriately; zombie police officer with body armour, zombie oil worker in overalls and hard hat, zombie fatty in fat guy suit! So get your mates, get some gear and zombie it up on the 30th at DEAD & ALIVE!


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