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A few updates from the Pyramyd Airsoft Blog

by News Fairy

Tom Harris has sent over some Pyramyd Airsoft Blog updates:

Good morrow, News Fairy, It’s me again.  Once again, it’s been too long.  This will be changing.  I need to get back on the ball here.  So I’ll start with a little update from last weekend.

I just returned from a trip out to Ohio to hang out at the U.S. Airsoft Expo.  Here is my first update from the show.


Here’s a couple videos I’ve done recently on the Pyramyd Airsoft Blog that may be of interest to those who haven’t already seen them.

Echo1 PKM Preview with Brian Holt & General Beauregard

An explanation of my parking lot brawl with CrazyNCman during a trip to Georgia for the SS Airsoft 2-Year Anniversary

H&K MP5 A5 by Top Tech Review – SPOILER ALERT – It’s flippin’ AMAZING!

Thanks, Tom Harris (Pyramyd Airsoft Blog)

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