Home Event News Thumpy: War Mess @SHOT Show, only 11 months late…

Thumpy: War Mess @SHOT Show, only 11 months late…

by News Fairy

Here is the first SHOT Show video salvaged from Thumpy’s hard-drive, it gives you a chance to put faces to some very familiar names:

AIRSOFT HISTORY CAPTURED!  Saved from a DOA hard-drive…with more coming soon!

This is video from the first-ever WAR MESS for Airsoft Media and Airsoft companies at the World-Famous SHOT Show 2012, in Las Vegas. Thumpy has an overview of the events, final raffle and the birth of the mythical "GOLDEN SCAR," a G&G SCAR-L signed by every member of the first WAR MESS!

Hope this whets your appetite for SHOT Show 2013 and all the airsoft coverage from these great media partners and companies!


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