Home Manufacturer News VTG new colours from BlankFiringGrenade.co.uk

VTG new colours from BlankFiringGrenade.co.uk

by News Fairy

Yosser has sent over the latest news on the new VTGs from BlankFiringGrenade.co.uk:

Arnies, Airsofters wanting to keep up with the latest trends and styles can now check out the new ‘Spring Collection’ of Versatile Training Grenades over at Airsoft Odyssey – first with all the intel on these blank firing grenades designed for airsofters and serious training scenarios for professionals.

blitz vtg logo header1

Now available in original Black but also in OD Green and Tan to match your load outs or in never miss Limited Edition Banana Yellow!


AND coming MARCH 2013 the Photoluminescent version! which last for hours and all cases are coloured all the way through not just a paint effect so the finish should last no matter how much abuse you give it (give or take the odd nick and scratch). – Check out the details here from Airsoft Odyssey: http://www.airsoftodyssey.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/more-vtg-updates.html

and SWATs Pholume video

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(Yosser’s Airsoft Odyssey)

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