Home Retailer News Gunman Airsoft April 2013 newsletter

Gunman Airsoft April 2013 newsletter

by News Fairy

Here is the April news from Gunman Airsoft:

Dear Arnies Airsoft news, Hi all and is it here?…spring!  finally??  Well let’s bloody hope so!  Another great month across the sites and a top ten event with Red Mist 13 ‘Cut Throat’ at our Hertfordshire’s Battle sit.  Another possible site on the offing just off the A1 and the launch of out Stoke site ‘The Hill’ on Sunday 28 April.  So we are Busy busy busy! 
If you’re new to Gunman and the community, then welcome and please ‘get involved’ with the forum and help us build the community.

The forum and website have finally been moved to a new server and Paul Davis from Pad Website Design is now the webmaster for Gunman Airsoft.  A huge thanks to Nick Dorling who has been the man for the past 6 years but due to work and family commitments has been over stretched by our ever growing and massive forum.  Cheers again Nick and hope to see you in the field with a rifle in hand soon mate!

RETAIL – Target Action Supplies
Another huge restock before the end of April will see new pistols, rifles and Tac gear.  See here for more info http://gunmanforum.com/index.php?showforum=210
We also offer a repair and up/down grade service.

What’s coming up?

Flying Lead – ‘The Vote’
May 4-5 2013
Only £50 for the weekend with a £25 deposit (pay palsales@filmsim.co.uk)
Gunman Eversley, Hampshire.

Its 1882 and the hard winter is over. Thanks to the founders, we managed to get fresh supplies from Clarkston after our stores got raided by low life bandits. However, now we have a new threat in the camp, gawd damd law and order is taken hold, and that My Pyle is running that telegraph of his day and night, the camp never sleeps!


A federal land agent was puttin the clamps of legitimacy on Mr Paris and after a short confusion over his land writes and claims, Shingle Springs is back on track. The Liquor is pouring, gamberlin and gold is all back in business. Only trouble is, Shingle Springs is to complete its gawd damd firm standin in Clarkston, and we got to have us a Mayor!….a Mayor I tell you! And even a Judge! The Banker has taken resposabilty for the damd ballot box and has assured he ‘shall be reliable’…what the hell does that mean!
Sweetwater has been passed over, lucky sons of bitches! For being too gawd damd small! Hell, that outpost has had claim over the Shingle Springs since Mr Paris settled it! I do believe the wheel will be turnin for the outpost and it will be them that find it pressed to the call of a Shingle Springs Mayor!
Also looks like the rail companies has changed their minds and re-directing the line back to the original Sweetwater route! Not surprisin really, considering all the chine they sent never made it to the line. Guess them Pinkerton boys will be lookin for work now too!

Well, with all the new trade passin through, the war between the Mongels and the Chinee over that white powder!, more federal agents than sloppy tarts setting up workin and the ongoing mining firms clawing at each other’s pedigrees, my bettin hand is with the single agent and his pan! Money is to be made my friends! Made and gambled!!
Let’s just see which way the camp goes during ‘The Vote’.
See here for more info

Site News and game days.
All the sites will be getting an early build day scheduled in 2013 so keep an eye on the site forum news sections.

Tuddenham news
What a site, still in full bloom and stretching some 200acres, we will be using as much of it as possible.  This weekend will see a couple of trucks in use up there for tactical.

Norwich news
Still no news on the planning, so we’re still held by the 28 days a year permission.  More when we know.

Eversley news
Car park and entrance is being redone on the 10th and we have more stuff built in the village and out in the field.  This site will take forever to finish but is already perfect as she is.  Scorp (Steve H) is still drawing up plans for the new ‘NAM Village’ and we will need hands on deck to get it built so please help out as much as you can community;)

Stoke news
Well, it’s our opening game day so simply come down, get involved and see what we have to offer!  See here for more game and site infohttp://

North West Sites
These sites are ran by Porta (on the forum) and all the details can be found here:

Next Game Days coming up for March

Weekend Open days, Camping is free, so feel join us on the Sat night for beers round the camp fire.
May 4-5
£25 for the day
£40 for the weekend
Full shop on site and tuck shop will be available.

Tuddenham FILMSIM – Operations
Join us for a day or two at the one and only’ Tuddenham Aerodrome’ for Filmsim Elements.  Camping if free and you can turn up Friday night if you want to make a weekend of it.
£25 for the day
£40 for the weekend
Full shop on site and limited hot food will be available.

Eversley FILMSIM Operations
Weekend Open days, Camping is free, so feel join us on the Sat night for beers round the camp fire.
£25.00 of one day
£40.00 for the weekend
Full shop on site and tuck shop will be available.

Tuddenham End of Month SKIRMISH
Join us for a day or two at the one and only Tuddenham Aerodrome for the End of the Month Skirmish.  Camping if free and you can turn up Friday night if you want to make a weekend of it.
£25.00 of one day
£40.00 for the weekend
Full shop on site and limited hot food will be available.

Stoke End of Month FILMSIM Operations
Join us for the last Sunday of every month, please try to get on site for 8.30am. 
£25.00 of one day
£40.00 for the weekend
Full shop on site and limited hot food will be available.

Northwest FILMSIM
Single day open day at the new Quarry site ‘The Badlands’ and the CQB ‘Pot Factory’
See here for details http://gunmanforum.com/index.php?showforum=230
£25 walk on    
£40 with gun hire special opening price.
Limited shop and hot food on site.

General game reminders

BANDAGES, for GOD SAKE– Again!!!  Guys, if you play Filmsim regularly please start bringing your own bandages with you. THIS IS STILL A PROBLEM!!!

All Games.
Can guys please try to get on site for 8.30! to get signed in and crono.  We are still getting guys turn up after 9.30 which is briefing time and with the night’s still drawing in we will end the day around 3.30pm – 4pm on game days.

May 2013 at a glance
4-5 Norwich – Filmsim open day.
12-13 Tuddenham – Filmsim Ops weekend
18-19 Eversley – Filmsim Ops weekend
25-26 Tuddenham – End of month Skirmish.
26 Stoke – Sunday Filmsim Ops Day

Word from the front
Hi guys, thanks for all your support over March, We have had even more sites to look at.  Our key goal is to link up with the north and the midlands so you can get to a Gunman site with no more than a 1hrs drive.  A bold goal, but we’re doing everything we can to keep people shooting Gunman.

Cheers all


GMA has a pay pal account:
Don’t forget to add the 3.4% charge on top or make it a gift.
Also we can now except credit/debit cards over the phone.
New Address
93 Glinton Road, Helpston, PE6 7DG

07854 277264
Email enquiries@gunmanairsoft.co.uk


Regards, Josh Smith (Gunman Airsoft)

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