Home Retailer News PTW A&K Mk4 demonstration by Gunfire

PTW A&K Mk4 demonstration by Gunfire

by News Fairy

Gunfire have made a PTW A&K Mk4 demonstration video:

Dear Friends! We are proud to share with you our latest film:

The PTW system has been well known in airsoft world for some time, but it has never become popular. This was partly due to to the fact that it was either hardly available or affordable – and we got used to it. It was only recently that numbers of PTW started to grow among players. But things are about to change, while Chinese manufacturers of replicas started to deliver their own variants of the system. To bring a closer look at the capabilities of the PTW, Gunfire prepared a short film in which its capabilities have been demonstrated using PTW A&K Mk4 as an example.


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