Home Event News Gunman Airsoft newsletter July 2013

Gunman Airsoft newsletter July 2013

by News Fairy

Here is the July newsletter from Gunman Airsoft:

June 2013
Welcome to Gunman Airsoft News

Dear Arnies Airsoft news, Hi all and welcome to the July news letter.

So, what’s going on in July you say? We have our modern Silent war game to start with at the gunman event site in Hertfordshire, then rolling an Ops at Tudders.  Off to War and peace for a week and then straight over to Eversley for the second Ops of the month.  Finally good old Tudders for EOM combat missions (our new open day game day name) Let’s hope the weather is with us all month;)

What happened in June?
Wow, the Nam is what happened!  One of the best events of Gunman’s history is what happened!! We fielded an entire company of men, 3 platoons of 17 men, a recon team of 5 and an unit of Ausie’s vs 3 large sized units of VC 45 in total on the Saturday.  The events started 2 mins in with a huge ambush and so it began.  We used the whole site at Eversley which gave nearly a mile to walk in from Bravo site to the main site at Alpha.  Everyone played a fantastic game and kept in character and theme for the whole of it.  A huge thanks to Scorp (Steve Habbishaw) for all his hard work to push this event to a new level.  Well done all and see you all in Sep for ‘Choker’.

If you don’t want to join us on one of our amazing events, just pop along to and Ops of combat mission open day!
Get involved!

RETAIL – Target Action Supplies (TAS)
We have just put a few more rifles out this month and have a good amount of second hand guns on the shelves now too.  Pistol selection is getting larger and we have filled the gaps we had last month.  Also ball grenades are back on the menu boys;)
Good discounts to large purchases.
We also offer a repair and up/down grade service.

What’s coming up?

Filmsim Events in association with Gunman presents…
SILENT WAR ‘Magnum Sagas’
Plausible Denial Pt1 – Job3327 – Operation Lion
July 6 / 7th
Gunman Event site – Hertfordshire
Only £65 with a £30 deposit, the rest to be paid in cash on the day.

These events follow the fictional South African based Magnum PMC and the many jobs they done. Imagine you’re looking through a Magnum job filling cabinet and reading their job sheets and what you read is what happens at the events. This is a full Filmsim weekend and we will be operating real steel ammo limits. See game rules for more info.

The Story…
On August 27th 1991 Moldova declared its independence from the Soviet Union became the Republic of Moldova. This declaration sparked civil unrest in area to the east of the country known as Transnistria. Ethnic Russians and Ukrainians, fearing persecution by the Moldovan government, began a separatist campaign to gain self governance. This eventually led to the War of Transnistria in March 1992. This short but bitter conflict lasted until July when a ceasefire brokered by Russia brought fighting to an end.
Today Transnistria retains its self governance under the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR) but its independence is not recognised by the Moldovan government and the territory remains disputed. As a result the lasting peace has never been achieved and a Russian peacekeeping force remains in the region to enforce the ceasefire.

Since independence the Moldovan government has spent many years cultivating good relations with the west, and in particular the US, is now seeking to gain membership of both the EU and NATO. These actions have angered the PMR who have no desire to join either organisation. As a result armed conflict has once again broken out in the region, giving the Moldovan military the excuse it needs to mobilise and reoccupy disputed territory in the name of restoring peace.

The Moldovan forces, newly re-equipped by their US backers, have brushed aside initial PMR defences but now resistance is stiffening. In many part of the country PMR forces, their ranks swelled with volunteers, are waging a guerrilla war against them. PMR forces are also becoming better armed and equipped as weapons are smuggled in from unknown sources making them ever more dangerous. Already stretched to its limits the Moldovan military has put in a request for assistance from the US government to deal with this new threat.

Unwilling to intervene directly due to the proximity of Russian forces the official response from the US is decline to any assistance to Moldova as a non NATO member. Unofficially additional funding and equipment is being allocated to the Moldovan military. In order to provide direct support on the ground non US based private military contractors have been employed on special operations in the region.
One of these contactors, the South African based Magnum has been employed to assist the Moldovan forces to stemming the flow of these illegal weapons shipments. They are to secure the area around the main Tiraspol-Dubăsari-Rîbniţa highway and intercept any arms bound for PMR forces in the North of the region.

Meanwhile the Russian peacekeeper force has been maintained within the region despite requests by NATO and Moldovan government to leave. The Kremlin has taken the official line of condemning the actions of the Moldovan government but has made it clear that it is not prepared to support the PMR either. Its only actions so far are to put its troops on alert and place checkpoints at key locations throughout the region. All Russian forces are under orders to assist in keeping order but are to maintain their neutrality at all costs.

Events details.

The event starts with a deployment on Friday night and a chance to get in the swing of things, there will be plenty of role-play involved but no action until Saturday.
0800hrs – In camp briefings
1000hrs – mission goes live
2200hrs – all HQ camps are off bounds but the rest of the site is live.
0800hrs – all HQ camps are live again
1200hrs – ENDEX

What you need to bring with you.
Your Airsoft equipment – must be in keeping with the event. Make sure you know what you’re supposed to be wearing before turning up, there will be NO rental at the game.
Water and food for 36hrs in the field, DONT BRING YOUR KITCHEN WITH YOU!!
Camping gear – please try to make it as in game as possible. Any pink pop up tents will have to be in the admin field and OUT OF GAME!

FPS limits.
All AEG rifles/smgs/LMG 350fps
Fixed GPMGs 370fps (must be deployed)
Electric DMR (real world) 400fps (single shot only)
Spring sniper rifles 500fps

All weapons will be crono before taking the field, if you gun is ‘HOT’ you will NOT be allowed to use it, and anyone found tampering with a gun to up its fps after its crono will be asked to leave the site.
All crono will be done with a .2g BB.

Please see here for more details

This event was joint with Tier1 but they have pulled out, so its all Gunman now baby;)  I will be running Magnum and taking the reins in the field too.  Bookings are now open!

Site News and game days.
Build days will continue through the year so keep an eye on the forum.

Tuddenham news
Tudders has gone crazy and site is now jungle time.  We still have the whole site to play with until August so be ready for long tabs in/out on the Ops weekends;)

Norwich news
We have had to close Norwich until September 7-8 where will be re-opening with an Ops weekend.  Sadly we didn’t get our planning application so need to save up our days for big weekenders.  Anglian Airsoft Club will continue to run their 1 day club day every month however.

Eversley news
Site is looking awesome with so many build days under its belt and more to go.  We are also starting to run a few Combat Mission weekends too.

Stoke news
We are looking at a new date soon.  We have decided to run a few small events to get the ball rolling, so keep your eyes peeled.

North West Sites
These sites are ran by Porta (on the forum) and all the details can be found here:

Next Game Days coming up for May

Norwich FILMSIM Operations
Weekend Open days, Camping is free, so feel join us on the Sat night for beers round the camp fire.
£25 for the day
£40 for the weekend
Full shop on site and tuck shop will be available.

Tuddenham FILMSIM – Operations
Join us for a day or two at the one and only’ Tuddenham Aerodrome’ for Filmsim Elements.  Camping if free and you can turn up Friday night if you want to make a weekend of it.
£25 for the day
£40 for the weekend
Full shop on site and limited hot food will be available.

Eversley FILMSIM Operations
Weekend Open days, Camping is free, so feel join us on the Sat night for beers round the camp fire.
£25.00 of one day
£40.00 for the weekend
Full shop on site and tuck shop will be available.

Tuddenham End of Month SKIRMISH
Join us for a day or two at the one and only Tuddenham Aerodrome for the End of the Month Skirmish.  Camping if free and you can turn up Friday night if you want to make a weekend of it.
£25.00 of one day
£40.00 for the weekend
Full shop on site and limited hot food will be available.

Stoke End of Month FILMSIM Operations
Dates to be confirmed
£25.00 of one day
£40.00 for the weekend
Full shop on site and limited hot food will be available.

Northwest FILMSIM
Single day open day at the new Quarry site ‘The Badlands’ and the CQB ‘Pot Factory’
See here for details http://gunmanforum.com/index.php?showforum=230
£25 walk on    
£40 with gun hire special opening price.
Limited shop and hot food on site.

General game reminders

BANDAGES, for GOD SAKE– Again!!!  Guys, if you play Filmsim regularly please start bringing your own bandages with you. THIS IS STILL A PROBLEM!!!

All Games.
Can guys please try to get on site for 8.30! Too get signed in and crono.  We are still getting guys turn up after 9.30 which is briefing time!!

August 2013 at a glance
10-11 Tuddenham – Filmsim Ops weekend
17-18 Eversley – Filmsim Ops weekend
17-18 Tuddenham – End of month Skirmish.
24-25 Battlefield weekend at Tuddenham. August bank holiday main event.
No dates at Stoke – Sunday Filmsim Ops Day

Word from the front
Hi guys, thanks for all your support as always and a massive thanks to all the refs in the field for a very busy summer, without you we can’t function. X
Nothing to say at the mo other than, if you haven’t visited us for a while, you really are missing out on the best Airsoft we have done.

Cheers all


GMA has a pay pal account:
Don’t forget to add the 3.4% charge on top or make it a gift.
Also we can now except credit/debit cards over the phone.
New Address
93 Glinton Road, Helpston, PE6 7DG

07854 277264
Email enquiries@gunmanairsoft.co.uk


Regards, Josh Smith (Gunman Airsoft)

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