Home Retailer News Airsoft Outlet NW: Tokyo Marui XDM GBB airsoft gun review

Airsoft Outlet NW: Tokyo Marui XDM GBB airsoft gun review

by News Fairy

Airsoft Outlet NW have put together a review for the Tokyo Marui XDM GBB airsoft gun which they are stocking:

We just started stocking Tokyo Marui GBB Pistols, and we know that not a lot of people have had a chance to experience a TM pistol first hand. I personally had never owned one until we opened up our first shipment and I pulled out the Tokyo Marui XDM. I own a real XDM, and was  immediately struck by how accurate this replica was to the original.

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Despite not needing another airsoft gun, and even though I specifically said I probably wouldn’t buy one, having one in my hand changed my mind. I bought it right there and began making plans to sell a KWA GBB to (partially) fund the new one. Since picking up the TM XDM, I have shot it more than any other airsoft gun I own, and this is my initial report.


(Airsoft Outlet NW)

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