Platoon Stores have some new items in stock:
Here at Platoon Stores we are at the frontline of retail, truly customer facing as the doors to our shop open right on to the High Street and we get all sorts in.
One of the most common questions we hear , other than "are those guns real", are how do we get into airsoft. A lot of people have seen the videos on youtube, read a few bits on Google then turn up here.
We always point them to our local sites to rent and play, and give them some advice as to boots and kit. We always try and explain that it’s better to grow into the sport and buy quality rather than rush in and spend loads that you’ll be selling at a boot fair in a few weeks.
This week we have had a restock of the fantastic value scopes from WE as well as batteries including the new Nuprol Extreme lipo’s
Catch you soon. (Platoon Stores)