Home Event News SSMG: Battle of Scandinavia 2010. 27-29Aug 2010, Sweden

SSMG: Battle of Scandinavia 2010. 27-29Aug 2010, Sweden

by News Fairy

SSMG have sent us some details of their 2010 Battle of Scandinavia which will be held on 27-29 Aug 2010 in Sweden (click the “read more” link to see more details of the event):

SSMG has the largest and one of the most unforgiving gaming areas in Sweden (14x6km). The perimeter of the gaming area is 50km. We have so far specialised in advanced Mil.Sim games. We use real airplanes, large
inflatable boats (RIB), vehicles and real airfields. We arrange two big games every year with 200-300 players so far. SSMG is only one year old since we started and three games have been arranged. We are looking at great bright future with growing numbers and more and more interests in SSMG’s Mil.Sim games. All this only at a cost of 30 GPB.

Gaming area map:
Gaming area location

Youtube keywords: SSMG MilSim, Operation Tango One, Operation Tango Dux, Operation Sierra. (SSMG)

Welcome to SSMGs introduction of Battle Of Scendinavia 2010.

This intro will present you an overview of how Battle Of Scandinavia will be accomplished. Battle Of Scandinavia is a fire fight in airsoft between the following nations: Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. All against each other in a brutal struggle over the title of the strongest nation. Battle Of Scandinavia is to announce the strongest nation in modern airsoft. All involved shall defend their own nation and pride. The tournament is in a form of Capture the flag. The gaming area is divided in to four sections. One section for each country.

Capture The Flag All are to defend their own flag within its assigned area and protect it from the enemy. Simultaneously the enemy flags are to be gathered and transported to own nation base. Prevent the enemy from retrieving their own flag. The objective is to prevent the enemy from taking own flag and extract it from its nations base. The flags are equipped with GPS trackers. They are monitored and tracked in real time by Host HQ via Google maps. As a player you are always entitled to ask for flag positions to reveal its exact location. This is easily done via sms to Host HQ. You will be replied with map coordinates (X, Y) from the RT90 map system. The flags should always be in a base.

Cheating As a nation you are responsible to check upon your opponents flags. If the GPS tracker is missing on your enemy flag please report this to Host HQ as soon as possible.

Not taking hits: There is no prestige in not taking a hit. The whole concept is based on honest gamers. Victory tastes much better if it’s honest. Always report non taken hits to the Host. If several reports are gathered from different nations against one nation regarding cheating the matter will be investigated immediately. If it’s established that a nation has been cheating, then the whole nation will receive a one hour time penalty. Further reports towards the same nation will result in a second one hour penalty. A third and final report results in disqualification of the whole nation. This automatically leaves a personal responsibility towards our team mates; see to that they do not cheat. Since this affects everyone within the nation. Being marked as dishonest players is a serious, since it’s a hard allegation to get rid of. Have you managed to draw that kind of an attention upon you than people will always assume that you cheat. To be known internationally as dishonest players is not good. If you’re uncertain, be humble and take a hit rather than risking the opposite.

How the winning nation is appointed. As soon as the nation flag exits its own nation area a time penalty is started. Time freezes as soon as the flag enters its home nation area again. Everything is tracked live by Host HQ. The winner in the end is the nation with minimum accumulated time.

Uniform requirements: All nations are to play in their own nations uniforms. Both jacket and pants have to be in the same camouflage. Only boots accepted. E.g. Swede’s play in the M90 uniform etc.

No requirements on the following: Combat/Tactical vest, gloves, headgear, rain clothes

Note: Try not to cover your nation uniform with external wear. Ad clothing underneath if you have to. Exceptions made for rain protection.

Weapons: No classic AK47 in wooden colours. Other than that, weapons free of choice. Please check BB velocity requirements in the rule section before game start.

Game dates: 2010.08.27-29 On site: Gathering and formation nation wise on Laxå Airfield 2719:55 for info and start ceremony. Finishing at Laxå airfield 2910:00 Game time is from fri-sun. With game start 2722:00 to 2909:00

500 soldiers/nation maximum.

Volunteers It’s accepted that foreigners sign up to fight for the countries involved. You choose your own country.

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