Home The Rumor Mill News from Thumpy’s 3-D House of Airsoft

News from Thumpy’s 3-D House of Airsoft

by News Fairy

Alan A.K.A. ThumpMaster6 is hoping to start a debate on potential new US airsoft regulations:

Paintball Sock as an Airsoft Safety device?  You Decide…

Thumpy’s VIDEO Test…Is a Paintball Barrel Sock a SAFETY device for Airsoft…or creating a danger itself?

Thumpy’s 3-D House of Airsoft has word from several Field Owners in the USA that new insurance regulations are on the way next year…mandating some type of barrel cover for ALL guns handled outside of safety netting at events. Right now, most fields only have paintball-style barrel socks…a nylon reinforced "pocket" that covers the muzzle of paintball guns, held in place by some type of elastic harness. We obtained one popular model this weekend, and when we put it to a non-scientific but totally real-world test, we got a NASTY surprise! See for yourself and please push the link to Thumpy’s YouTube Video Channel to players, teams, field owners or insurance reps you might know…to spread the word!

(Thumpy’s 3-D House of Airsoft)

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