Mad Bull (Mad Bull Airsoft) has sent in the results of some tests that Kotte Zeller have run on their products. I’ll leave it for them to explain the findings:
Our Germany distributor, KOTTE ZELLER, mailed this magazine published in Germany. (Thanks Laila)
Our barrel rank top ONE compared to 19 other different brands, including CA, KA, DB Custom, KM, Kyou, G&G, Deep Fire, PDI, Systema, Prometheus, JBU, King Barrels, Element, and others.
I know we invest a lot of money on developing our Blackpython tightbore barrels but I still can’t believe our barrel is that good.
This German magazine using ZEISS PRISMO 3-D navigator to test all barrels and our barrel is the top ranking.
Special thanks to Dr. Lee, the inventor of the barrel and Mr. Wu, the engineer of the barrel.
Also thanks to KOTTE ZELLER and Without you, I, (we) never know our barrels are listed on top!
See detail data, check here: (PDF 4MB)
Yours, MadBull (Mad Bull Airsoft)