Home Website Updates A.G.G.M.A. Newsletter #4

A.G.G.M.A. Newsletter #4

by Arnie

image The fourth AGGMA newsletter is out. Click the read through to see the full article:

Dear Arnies Airsoft Welcome to….

A.G.G.M.A. Newsletter #4

Editors Corner

OK. So now a week is almost over and a new is just about to start. Christmas is also closing in extremely fast. It is almost like things are just flashing by in front of you from time to time.

When things are hectic like this it is always good to have a hobby that gives you some relief. So why don’t you go out and do some skirmishing or perhaps better yet, go inside and practice shooting! (AGGMA.com)


The truth is that most Airsoft Players I have met so far is terrible shooters. They know all about guns and gear and are quite good at wandering around in the woods playing but when it comes to shooting, they plain and simple suck. This is why I encourage shooting practice.  I do not mean that you only should stand in front of a paper figure shooting scores. There are a lot of interesting shooting exercises described on the internet.


But I do encourage shooting fixed targets counting score until you are very familiar with your fire arm. It does not matter if it is a hand gun or a rifle you are practicing with; you still need to be very familiar with it. It should more or less feel like an integrated part of your arms.

Many of the exercises described in the literature is based on real situations. Like the Mozambique Drill invented by Jeff Cooper.

image Mike Rousseau, a student of the Modern Technique, reported that he had been involved in a gunfight in Mozambique, during the fighting around the airport of the capital city Lourenço Marques. His assailant was advancing rapidly toward him with his rifle and the student shot him twice in the upper torso. The advance of his assailant was not slowed by these two shots, and so the student shot him in the head, killing him.

The effect of a bullet striking the human body depends greatly upon exactly which organ is struck during the penetration. In some instances the assailant might drop quickly, in others, there might be no apparent effect. A bullet striking the brain kills the assailant almost without exception. Recognizing that similar situations would occur, Cooper popularized the term Mozambique Drill based on the technique improvised by his student there. This drill consists of shooting two rounds to the center of the torso, followed by a pause and assessment of the situation and then a more carefully aimed shot to the head. Under nearly any conditions, engaging an assailant with the Mozambique Drill should offer a high probability that one’s assailant will be stopped and likely killed.

Finding and practicing some drills like the above will give you a totally new dimension of our beloved Hobby. Not to mention what it does to your ego when you can conduct them with full confidence just as they are supposed to be done.


So go out or stay in but, whatever you do, Practice!

News this week has been kind of slow. The Monthly Theme “Hand Guns” is still going on but is kind of slow. We would like more people to contribute by sending in stories, tips and pictures. This is what makes the Monthly Themes interesting and unique. Some retailers have sent in product updates and that is very good. We all want to know what is new and hot.

A.G.G.M.A. encourages everyone to send in news and stories to us so we can make the site better and better. Whenever you find something of interest, send it in. Just drop a line to admin@aggma.com

The biggest news concerning the site is that the layout is changed. Now all news is placed in the right column while in the main column there is something called “Editors’ Picks”. In that area stories worth a little more focus is placed.

There is also a new small window called “Latest Reviews”. We try our best to deliver good and informative reviews and since this is one of the corner stones of the site, much focus will be placed on reviews.

Go and have a look: AGGMA.com

The review of the week is the review on the WE 1911 MEU (SOC) in desert color. You can read it online or better yet, download it in PDF to get the nicest looking version. (click the picture to download)


What to come then: In the week to come we aim to do some articles about different things First out is an article about a guy called Jeff Cooper. Jeff Cooper was a man that invented the modern hand gun technique. But he was much more than that. He was more or less an institution and a very interesting person. Some of his quotes can be read in the daily quotes on A.G.G.M.A. Then there will be other articles about shooting drills, techniques and other interesting things. There will also be a review on the WE M9 Pistol. It is worth having a look at.

So.. Have a nice week and.. Game ON! (AGGMA.com)

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