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King Arms product news

by News Fairy

Here is all the latest product news from King Arms:


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The folding stock soviet stylish rifle AS-VAL introduce video by Airsoft Evike.com, check this out!

#KingArms #Airsoft #AirsoftWorld #AirsoftCommunity#SovietAirsoftRifle #ASVAL

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Sometimes take a few seconds, or few minutes to look & observe the patterns on your guns closer, you will find that, a good mood or new idea will pop out.

#KingArms #Airsoft #AirsoftWorld #AirsoftCommunity#KANewPistolModels #GoodGunsGoodGames

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PDW 9mm SBR in game!!!! Check this game video from Infamous Airsoft, look at that skill & the SBR performance.

#KingArms #Airsoft #AirsoftWorld #AirsoftCommunity #PDW#KA_PDW #PDW9mmSBR

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Customized your PDW 9mm SBR, fight in your style, choose your battle, gain the glory.

#KingArms #Airsoft #AirsoftWorld #AirsoftCommunity #PDW#KA_PDW #PDW9mmSBR #KA_PDW_CUSTOMIZED

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Our new M4 TWS MagBase pad will also have colors for you to choose, you can get the colors that suit your style.

#KingArms #Airsoft #AirsoftWorld #AirsoftCommunity #KA_M4TWS#MagBase #MagPad #AntiShock #TacticShock

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Which color of our SAA .45 Peacemaker Revolver you like?
Matte Black / Glossy Black / Silver / Blue?

King Arms SAA .45 Peacemaker Revolver series

#KingArms #Airsoft #AirsoftWorld #AirsoftCommunity #SAA#Peacemaker #Revolver #CowboyTime

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It’s been a wild whole week, hope you guys enjoy these kind of contents, let’s back to the airsoft fantasy.

#KingArms #Airsoft #AirsoftWorld #AirsoftCommunity#KA_AirsoftMemes #MemeWeek

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The next level of the PDW SBR surely is also sexy.

#KingArms #Airsoft #AirsoftWorld #AirsoftCommunity#KA_AirsoftMemes #MemeWeek #KA_PDWSBR #PDW #SBR

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(King Arms)

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