Home Website UpdatesPodcasts The Airsoftology Podcast: Episode #25 now available

The Airsoftology Podcast: Episode #25 now available

by Arnie

as_logo_color_175x175 There’s a new episode of Airsoftology out now!

Airsoftology.com  January 7, 2010

The Airsoftology Podcast: Episode #25 is available!

Hey Arn,  Show #25 of the free Airsoftology.com podcast is up on the site and this time we have a surprise for the listeners….or should we call you viewers now? We set up a camera, and now you can watch the show while you listen. It took a bit longer to get this show up since we’re now working in video but it was worth it.

You all asked for, and we finally gave in…  But why you would want to see our ugly faces is beyond us.

Informative with a dash of humor, we bring you the airsoft information you want to hear (and see). 

In this show:

  • We cover all of the latest airsoft news, releases and tech from around the web.
  • In reviews we give you a double dose; we cover listener submitted essays on both the Mall in Reading and the new VFC E-series.
  • And we read some great emails in the listener segment; covering everything fomr "sorbo" pads to HD helmet cameras.

Where to get it: Episode #25 (and all previous episodes) are available from all the usual sources: Just search for “airsoftology” on iTunes, Zune, or follow this link: iTunes Page.  While you are there, subscribe to the show. It’s free; always has been and always will be!

If you don’t have iTunes, you can listen online at our website or download the audio-only show directly from the link below: *Right Click to Download Show #25*

The video version and show notes are available at www.airsoftology.com

(The Airsoftology)

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