Home Retailer News New offers at EliteAirsoft

New offers at EliteAirsoft

by Arnie

Click here to visit EliteAirsoftIn light of recent announcements Elite Airsoft has sent over an announcement concerning their stock and plans for the future. On the bright side there are some good deals to be had, so do read on:

Following the somewhat traumatic announcements yesterday, Elite AirSoft would like to make the following statement. This statement is based upon no fewer than 5 separate conversations with the Home Office.

From what we understand, the government want this new bill to be on the statute books BEFORE 24 hour licensing becomes available on 24th November.
If this is the case, it will be a very hectic 5 months. The Home Office confirmed that there will be no “compensation” for dealers, and that we should use all haste to rid ourselves of stock. This therefore means that “re-stocking” is an unlikely scenario.

We have at present about 450 Pistols and en route we have about 400 Rifles.
If 5 months really is the timeframe, that’s about 150 days, so sales won’t need to be that high to account for this level of stock, approx 3 per day.
If yesterday is anything to go by, stock won’t last very long at all, with
12 Pistols and 5 rifles going in a single day.

We would therefore like to urge anyone thinking of making a purchase to consider doing so sooner rather than later, as once the stock is gone, it is very unlikely that it will be replaced. Also on that basis, we would like to dispel any myths that may be circulating that we will be massively discounting stock to get rid of it. At present we feel extremely confident that we will run out of Pistols and Rifles long before any prohibition to sale comes into effect.

We do however have a few items that we are carrying massive stocks of that we will reduce in price from today. These are

Western Arms P14 45 Magazines, suitable for use in P14 45, P14 45 Compact and Para HRT. These items normally sell for 35 each, and we are doing a 3 for the price of 2 offer. That’s 3 Para Mags for 70, normal price 105.

We also are offering the same deal on SVI 33 round Magazines. 3 mags for 70.

Next on the list is HFC Green Gas. This item normally sells for 8-9 in the UK. While stocks last, you can buy 10 cans for 50, just 5 per can.

Last but by no means least is Excel BB’s. We were about to offer these for normal sale from next week anyway. This one is real simple. 3000 0.2g BB for just 4. This is the lowest price of Excel anywhere in the UK, and will remain in force indefinitely. We can re-stock these items and will do so.


P14 45 magazines 3 for 70
SVI 33 Round Magazines 3 for 70
HFC Green Gas 10 cans for 50
Excel 0.2g BB’s 3000 in Bottle 4.

Final note.

If all is not lost, and we truly hope that it’s not, then just look upon these prices as some good deals. If we do manage to save our sport in some way, we will of course restock as quickly as possible. John, (Elite Airsoft)

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