The guys at DS16 have sent over word of their new company and product lineup, which includes custom shirts and gear:
Just like to let everyone know about a new online T shirt shop I have been working on. still in the very early stages but the first few sections are online now and may interest most Airsofters out there. There are several sections to the site but the most interesting to Airsofters will be the military and Airsoft (DUH!) section. Take a look through, there is over 120 products online at the moment and I am adding to this all the time.
There is lots planned for the future so check back often for new updates or email at and ask to be added to the mailing list.
The example image is just a small selection of garments available which are also being added to all the time.
If anyone has any requests for designs that are not currently on the site please email me to discuss what youd like to see.Finally if there are any Teams out there who would like personally designed T Shirts again contact me on and I will be glad to design something for you.
Thanks for looking and enjoy the site. Dave, (DS16)