Home Retailer News AirsoftGI – GR16 gearboxes

AirsoftGI – GR16 gearboxes

by Arnie

As is now quite customary with product recalls and promises made from some manufacturers, the European and US dealers don’t necessarily receive the news with great whoops of delight. Walter, (Airsoft GI) asked me to add some comments online from him regarding the Guay Guay gearbox recall for the GR16 series. The comments do give you (the end user) an idea of the situation dealers and retailers can be left in:

GR16 Old Gearbox Recall: G&G is having the old GR16 gearbox recall. However, they only have
sent us 12 pieces of gearboxes and we actually sold just about 10
times of the gearboxes that they had sent us.

If you wish to receive the new gearbox. Please email us with your
order id number and send in a money order for 4.65USD for postage.

The recall will work well in country like Taiwan because they can
simply go into the store and pick it up. However, please remember,
Taiwan is merely the size of Southern California. Who is going
to pay for the postage? Did they ever think this over? If they
did, they would’ve make something work at the FIRST TIME AROUND,
not one year later.

The profit margin on the Guay Guay product range simply can not support us in the fashion required to
ship them out with free postage. Please understand our situation
on this “unsupported recall from G&G”. (Airsoft GI)

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