Home Event News KnockKnock Productions – OP: Iron Gate

KnockKnock Productions – OP: Iron Gate

by Arnie

The chaps at Knock Knock Productions are running a new event by the name of “OPERATION: IRON GATE”. I believe the event is still going to be held at their winery location in Fresno California. Here’s the details:

OPERATION: IRON GATE: An unknown rebel group has killed unarmed UN engineers. That were fixing the water lines for farmers in the surrounding area. The rebels claim that the engineers were really fixing the water lines to help resupply the German army that is occupying their country.

Outraged by the deaths of the innocent engineers, German officials plan a counterstrike on a stronghold that the rebels occupy in the area. GSG-9 (altho this group is usally only tasked with domestic Terrorist acts) units are ordered to go into the area to find info on this new terrorist group. Then eliminate all rebel threats in the surrounding area.

If you attend you will be using a variety of props to simulate the placement and detonation of explosives, along with recovery of various props. The day will basically fall into 3 unique games played, while following a scripted series of events.

Come out for only $15.00 (Only for individuals that have never attended a game at the winery) or bring a friend thats never played and both get in for $15.00 each

Last game we had 84 players. Come out and be part of the fastest growing airsoft venue in the Fresno area.

The Game is Febuary 19, 2006.
Registration starts at 8:30 am to 9:30 am
First game starts around 10:00 am
Must wear Desert or Woodland camo
Game ends at 5:00 pm SHARP

$25.00 if you buy your ticket before Febuary 18, 2006 or register online at www.knockknockproductions.com before Febuary 18, 2006. Day of the game cost of admission will be $35.00 Matt, (Knock Knock Productions)

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