Home The Rumor Mill Popular Airsoft: Venezuela set to ban wargames?

Popular Airsoft: Venezuela set to ban wargames?

by Arnie

imagePopular Airsoft have sent in word that it look like Venezuela is set to ban adults playing wargames. here’s the details from them, click the link through to see the full proposal:

Dear friends, Our Venezuelan friends need your help. They are now working on amending the newly enacted law called the Ley Para La Prohibicion de Videojuegos Belicos y Jueguetes Belicos  (Law for the Prohibition of Warlike Games and Toys), which was approved by the Venezuelan National Assembly. The amendments they seek is to exempt airsoft guns from such ban and allow the purchase and use in airsoft games by players 18 years of age and above.


They are requesting leaders of airsoft communities and national airsoft associations from around the world to send letters of support to their efforts.

For more details and contact information, please follow this link.

Many thanks. (Popular Airsoft)

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