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S-Thunder products in AI’s July 2010 issue

by Arnie

S-Thunder have had their products reviewed in a recent copy of Airsoft International (July 2010 issue) and wanted everyone to see the review. For full details pickup a copy of AI at your local retailer. Don’t forget to checkout their YouTube channel. Here’s the clipping:

In addition to the earlier review of S-Thunder’s products, IROP (USA) has released part 2 of it series of S-Thunder’s reviews as follows,

CQB RADIO (USA) has also done an updated review and performance comparison of S-Thunder’s M203 style grenade using Green Gas (ie propane), High Pressure Air (ie HPA) and CO2 gas starting at time 16:38. (link)

AIRSOFT INTERNATIONAL (UK) has reviewed S-Thunder’s Water & Powder Dual Use Land Mine IGG-501 in their August 2010 magazine edition.


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