Home Website Updates OPSEC Airsoft Radio 03/05/2007

OPSEC Airsoft Radio 03/05/2007

by Arnie

[tags]opsec, airsoft, radio, itunes, mp3[/tags]

The guys at OPSEC Airsoft Radio have released a new show. You can find the show notes on their website here, to download the show click this link below:

Right Click to Download
44.7MB, 1h:51m:39s

On the program we have:
– This Week In Utah Airsoft
– 6 New Items of Interest
– SoCal Airsoft Dictionary
– 3 Big Game Updates
– F-ing Hard Trivia
– Tsunami Airsoft Pic Contest Status
– Music: Latin… in celebration of Cinco de Mayo!

Previous shows are also linked to and listed in our own forums.

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