Home Retailer News Custom P90s from Aegarms.com

Custom P90s from Aegarms.com

by Arnie

Although not to my personal taste these might tickle your fancy if you’re after a custom P90 that’s different from the pack. Here’s latest from Aegarms.com :

Dear Web Master,

Hello, how are you? We would like to submit the following news: Aegarms Custom AEG!

(B Left, C Centre, D Right)

Marui P90 Custom B
Details: http://www.aegarms.com/display_pdetail.php?pid=2505
USD 240.00

Marui P90 Custom C
Details: http://www.aegarms.com/display_pdetail.php?pid=2504
USD 250.00

Marui P90 Custom D
Details: http://www.aegarms.com/display_pdetail.php?pid=2503
USD 265.00

To see our new arrivals please visit this page. Regards, Aegarms.com

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