Janno from Firefight Combat Simulations (well-known for running the Electrowerkz CQB arena games in Central London) has been in touch with FCS’ new skirmish site. This one is not your usual CQB site however:
Opening in February 2008, the Courthouse (aka. FCS Bristol) is a two-floor arena, occupying a set of disused magistrates’ courts complete with holding cells in the basement. FCS Bristol boasts a games room, heated safezone, retail facilities, toilets, and battery charging station. Games will be run on Thursday evenings, and selected weekends. All events follow standard FCS procedure, with chrono testing on-site (max velocity = 328fps w/0.2g BB), and a default age limit of 15+. Players under the age of 18 must be signed in by a parent or legal guardian on their first time at the site. They can then sign themselves in for future events.
As mentioned, the site will go live from the beginning of February with a Modular Training Session scheduled for the first weekend of the month (details to come). If we can get the majority of facilities online by the end of January, there may be the possibility of us running a test-game down there, so keep your eyes peeled. All game dates and fees are listed on the website: www.firefight.co.uk
Some pics:
Finally, the Director of FCS Bristol (Jay Newton) is trying to encourage the formation of airsoft teams, and virtually all play at the site will be oriented towards small squad-based ops. There is talk of regular team-player only events in the future. If you or your team have any ideas on how you would like to develop the site, then this is the perfect time to make yourselves heard.
Janno (Firefight Combat Simulations)
Want to know more? Janno has set a thread up on the forums already: http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=132040&st=0&#entry1635380