Home Event News NAM Magazine Op:BioHazard

NAM Magazine Op:BioHazard

by Arnie

Click here to see the event detailsThe guys at NAM Magazine have sent over news of their upcoming event called Operation:Biohazard. There are only 150 spaces available at the moment, so they’ll have to turn people away the day of the game when they are fully booked. If you’re interested best bet is to pre-register today.

On 01-SEP-04 2354hrs, a distribution convoy received small
arms fire from a local militant environmental protection
group while in transit from TROCAR Chemicals hidden
facility, to dock 16 in Monterey.

During the engagement, a container rolled from one of the
cargo trucks and was lost in the murky waters of the slew.

Due to the serious nature of this situation, RX
Distribution, LTD. must cease all shipments and deny all
involvement with TROCAR Chemicals until this situation has
been resolved.

We recommend deployment of your SWAT-HAZMAT team to destroy
all evidence including the eradication of all infected
individuals in the area.

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