Home Website UpdatesVideos Dr. Airsoft: Day 3 videos of products at Shot Show 2011

Dr. Airsoft: Day 3 videos of products at Shot Show 2011

by Arnie

imageDr Airsoft has posted a heap of videos today at Shot Show 2011 and have seen ESS, Revision, and Wiley X:

Dr. Airsoft and Rangemaster Larry of Airsoft Medicine have posted another seven videos this morning from Shot Show 2011.  In this monrning’s batch you can learn about eye protection products from ESS, Revision Military, and Wiley X.

They also show the soon-to-be-released Phantom Ops knee pads by Damascus Gear and some new AEG’s from Magpul PTS including the Personal Defense Rifle and the new M4 with quick-change spring. (Dr Airsoft)

More videos after the break

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