The NAMMYs are back, follow the link to cast your vote:
They’re baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
The 2nd annual Airsoft Achievement Awards are here!
The NAMMY’s are the only awards which YOU, the industry as a whole (the player, retailer, manufacturer, etc), get to say who wins and who comes in a close second. Our awards were the first and the ONLY awards to be 100% unbiased. We guarantee the votes come from everywhere and not just our readers (although their votes are just as important!). All you have to do is log into our forums between now and March 30th and place your vote for the best in all things airsoft for 2007. Then, keep those fingers crossed for your vote to win! Please, limit voting to only one vote per person, per category.
And remember, those who don’t know don’t.
Those who do, read The NAM!