Home Manufacturer News The steel piston catch from WhiteDragonAirsoft.com

The steel piston catch from WhiteDragonAirsoft.com

by News Fairy

imageWhiteDragonAirsoft.com have sent over details of their steel piston catch:

Hello. I go by Saint, and I own and operate whitedragonairsoft.com. We finally have our first product in stock, which is the steel piston catch (aka piston sear) for the spring powered A&K SVD rifle. We are selling them at $25 a piece, and we only have 99 of them at the moment. We will happily ship to any address around the world.


I have replaced the original piston catch in my personal SVD with one of these steel ones. It fits into the trigger assembly perfectly, and functions as it should. I have shot mine over 250 times, and I cannot see any wear on the steel piston catch.

It only takes a couple minutes and two tools to swap out the stock piston catch with our steel one. If you need instructions on how to access and replace the piston catch in your spring A&K SVD rifle, please click this link: http://whitedragonairsoft.com/Guide1.aspx

You can find this steel piston catch on our website at whitedragonairsoft.com, or you can click this link: http://whitedragonairsoft.com/SteelPistonCatch.aspx

If you have any questions, please email me at saint@whitedragonairsoft.com


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