Home Event News SW War Games & First and Only special event

SW War Games & First and Only special event

by Marlowe

Gucci from First and Only has been in touch with news with a special event coordinated with South West Wargames:

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 South West Wargames In association with First & Only corporate events are proud to present :


clip_image002‘Battle for Qala-i-jangi’

31st May – 1st June 2008 – Book Now!

Hosted at a unique site “Scraesdon Fort” is an old Napoleonic Fort that is used by the Royal Marines for CQB training. The site has never been used for an Airsoft event before and is sure to be an amazing and unique Airsoft experience. We have gone all out to provide you with a scenario that compliments the venue and will lead to some great intense and hardcore battle experiences.


The battle for Qala-i-jangi, Afghanistan, November 2001, was one of the bloodiest and intense battles of the Afghan war to date. The uprising of the Taliban, prisoners and subsequent battle with Northern Alliance forces and US/UK special forces was sparked when CIA personnel threatened to kill prisoners while they were interrogating them!

Join the Taliban uprising, overpower the guards and capture the ammo dumps. Arm yourselves and capture the fort. The infidels must pay with their lives – Jihad! Or

Join the Northern Alliance and US/UK special forces as they try to contain the Taliban forces within the fort, recover the CIA operative and bomb them back to the stone age.

Fighting will be close and intense, the fort has 3 main levels and goes deep underground. It won’t be an easy fight for either side and casualties will be high.



All this for only £100 or (£85 if you do not require the catering service) £15 for 4 great meals and no messing about! Check out the great menu http://www.swwargames.co.uk/itinerary.html

If you are interested then please book now as we only have a limited amount of places.

Please book online at http://www.swwargames.co.uk/book.html or call Gary on 07921 992 450

Gucci (First and Only)

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