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Open Warfare game announced by TA Events

by Marlowe

openwarfare_advertIan from the TA Events team has been in touch with details of a new brand of 1-day events they plan to run:

Open Warfare at Pippingford Park

TA Events takes regular skirmish games to Pippingford Park in East Sussex.

The first game is scheduled for Sunday the 20th July 2008 and is priced at £20 per player.

What is “Open Warfare”?

TA Events Open Warfare games are single day skirmish level events in a fantastic woodlands setting in East Sussex. Located on the A22 and just 15 minutes from the M23, Pippingford Park is very accessible to airsoft players in the south-east of England.

Open Warfare takes some of the MilSim elements found in the previous Town Assault and current Phoenix Rising events and makes them accessible in a more casual day of skirmishing. But there will be no “capture the flag” type skirmish games at Open Warfare. Instead there will be scenarios based on realistic miltary actions, but implemented in a way that will deliver loads of great Airsoft action throughout the day.

See below some of the key differences between the Open Warfare games and a TA Events Big Game event.

Further Information

For further information about the Open Warfare game days then visit the Open Warfare section on the TA Events website.

Or visit the Open Warfare sub-forum on the TA Events forum.

Ian (TA Events)

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