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New DASK video

by Arnie

Inge Pettersen has sent in a link to a video hosted by D.A.S.K (Drammen Airsoft Club). Reading the comment about the IV drip I was more than a little curious as to what they were hinted at, so downloaded and watched the video myself.

Check out the latest movie by Norwegian Airsoft team D.A.S.K (Drammen Airsoft Club) … It shows just what can be accomplished by a handful of airsofters and a video camera. Download is 34.36MB. (The IV shown in this film is administered by a trained nurse in accordance with current Norwegian guidelines) Inge Pettersen

The video shows a milsim game event, and has had post production work done to it to add muzzle flash. The shots detailing the IV line being added is just for show. Needless to say (but I’ll have to stick it here anyway) this should not be tried without trained professionals on the scene and in accordance with respective laws and legislation.

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