Home Event News Operation Hailstorm: 24 hour mil-sim event.

Operation Hailstorm: 24 hour mil-sim event.

by Marlowe

Mark from Ambush Wargames has been in touch with news of their latest event:

Picture copyright of Ambush Wargames and illustrated participants. Ambush Wargames, in Conjunction with Airsoft Military Simulations are pleased to announce their next 24 hour, squad based mil-sim at MOD Bramley, off the A33 between Basingstoke and Reading.

Since the breakdown of peace talks between the dictator run government and rebel factions, the province of Arulco is teetering dangerously on the brink of civil war. The ruling party has declared a state of marshal law and has put down any uprisings ruthlessly and with no mercy or regard for civilian lives.
It is in our nations interest to see a stable, peaceful Arulco and our advisors believe that the rebel faction led by Enrico Chivaldo offers Arulco its best chance at long-term stability.
Our nation cannot be seen to support a rebel group or standby and allow an evil dictatorship to retain its stranglehold on power, destabilising an entire region.
As such your unit is being sent to help Chivaldo’s freedom fighters. Under the guise of mercenaries you are to make contact with Chivaldo’s men, maintain a low profile and perform strategic strikes with surgical precision against targets deemed vital in toppling this ruling government.
12th -13th July @ MOD Bramley just off the A33 between Reading and Basingstoke.
24 hour MilSim based game with interlocking missions that will put your team through their paces. You will be operating in small teams for the duration of the event, using the same scoring systems and rules and the monthly 12 hour Operation Infiltration events held at Eversley.
£50 per person. Booking required.
Please contact Mark from AMS/Ambush Wargames on this email should you have any questions.

Mark (Ambush Wargames)

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