Home Skirmish Site News Cousins Paintball / Airsoft field under attack

Cousins Paintball / Airsoft field under attack

by News Fairy

Tai has written to let us know about the threat to his local airsoft field and the facebook page for those fighting to save it:

Hello fellow Airsofters and outdoor enthusiasts alike,

I live in New York City and for the longest time, have worked and played at my "local" field (About 1.5hours drive but I still consider it local since its the only thing closest to me)

The place of venue is Cousin’s Paintball and at one point in time was also called PEV’s. Every Sunday on the property, they would hold Airsoft Games on a dedicated field where me and a bunch of buddies and Old Co-workers get together and shoot the shit out of each other whilst having a great time.

It is now under attack by the local politician Connie Kepert and environmental extremist Richard / Dick Amper.

Their reasoning for shutting down the land that the field is currently on is to lock the gates and turn it into a preserve in order to prevent any future developing.

If you’ve been around the area, the ONLY reason why the land is still there is because Cousins Paintball have been there for almost 30 years! Surrounding the area is a gated private community and other venues of businesses (ie:strip malls, big dept stores, etc…).

Every year, Cousins Paintball hosts one of the LARGEST big games in the North East in which involves tanks and even a helicopter (YES A REAL HELICOPTER! THAT SHOOTS AT YOU!)

Even though this is not your local field nor is it a concern of yours, please take the time out and show support for the sport and field.

Cousins Paintball was my first ever "War" experience and the first time my Dad ever took me and brother out to Long Island back in 2001.

Cousins Paintball was my first REAL job back in 2005 and was the best damn job I’ve ever had. I still have it in my resume and is the only job I’m never tired of talking about because it bought back so much different memories.

I ask for your support now. Please visit the facebook page and voice your concerns as well! We need all the public coverage we can get so help spread the word.

Thank you NEASG for keeping me entertained all these years and the great deals and people whom I’ve got to dealt with on this forum.

Please help spread the word! Yours truly, -Tai

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