Home Website Updates OPSEC Airsoft Radio: Episode 111 posted

OPSEC Airsoft Radio: Episode 111 posted

by Arnie

Radar (OPSEC Airsoft Radio) has sent in some sad news, read on:

Hey Arnie, I’ve got good news and bad news:

The Good News:

Episode 111 has been posted and we had a blast while recording it! We talked about Traveling for airsoft (pros and cons mostly) and had a heated discussion about the weird creepy places airsoft shouldn’t go. All in all, a pretty good episode.

The Bad News (or good depending on your angle):

Our next show, Episode 112 airing on the 25th of September 2008, will be our last show. When I say last show, I mean, our absolute very last show. As in, no more new shows being released. Seriously. We will go deeper into the "why" of this decision next show, but thought it would be wise to put the word out ASAP. Tune in next week for our final show… should be, ironically, our best one ever.

Episode 111 has been posted and for those interested, the show is available for download via iTunes (search for “opsec” in the Music Store: Link) or via direct download at the below link:

*Episode 111*
– National Airsoft Events
– New Items of Interest
– Main Topic: The Weird and Creepy Places Airsoft Shouldn’t Go
– Sub Topic:  Long Distance Airsoft; Is it worth it?
– OPSEC Airsoft Station News
*Right Click to Download*
28.9MB, 1h:12m:05s
Show Notes: Link

Cheers, Radar (OPSEC Airsoft Radio)

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