Home Event News Operation: Crisis Blaze looking for support/sponsorship

Operation: Crisis Blaze looking for support/sponsorship

by Arnie

The guys at MAAPR have sent over word that they are organising another large event, and are looking for support from sponsors and the retail sector. If you are interested in helping out, please do drop them a line.

The Mid-Atlantic Airsoft Player’s Registry is asking for your support yet
again. Operation: Crisis Blaze has been scheduled for June 18, 2005 at
Paintball Sportsland in Frederick, MD.

If you would like to be a sponsor for this game, please email us at
info@maapr.com or just reply to this email. We are accepting all forms of
donations, be it advertising, goods, services, AEG’s, pistols, gear,
discounts, or anything else you would like to send.

Feel free to check out the website at http://www.crisisblaze.com. We opened
registration on Sunday the 19th, and have already had 15 players register.
This even looks to be even larger than O:TJ, and we greatly need your

Sincerely, Sgt Josh Davenport, (Webmaster / Trustee,
Mid-Atlantic Airsoft Player’s Registry)

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