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UKARA provide player self check

by News Fairy

The UKARA have launched a new self check service for their database:

UKARA in an effort to provide players with more access to their data have created a system of self checking.


It is only a point in time check and will be out of date the following day as being a valid member requires a site to have valid insurance and your membership to have not expired.

The UKARA self check provides members of UK Airsoft sites who have registered their details with UKARA the opportunity to check their details.

Should players who expect their details to be listed find they are not it is a chance to contact the UKARA Admin team and find out why.

Its also a chance to see if the retailer or site that you gave your UKARA form to have processed it.

The most common reason for not being able to access your details is that the people entering the information were not able to read your hand writing.

The system only works if you have a valid email address registered and that it has been entered correctly and the post code or player number is correct.

Its also a chance to see if you changed your post code when / if you moved house.

Player Self Check – PLAYER NOT FOUND reasons

Sorry we could not find your email and associated post code or player number on the system

This may be for the following reasons

1. You have not completed a UKARA form
> to get your site player number added to UKARA system please download and complete a UKARA form – available from www.ukara.org.uk
> When you have completed you site membership please complete the UKARA form and get your site to stamp, number and sign it.
> The form should then be sent to a UKARA retailer so that they can add your player membership details to the system.

2. You have completed a UKARA form and you gave the site the form. Sites can only renew details on UKARA (annually) and cannot add players
> Sites cannot add you to the system they have to send the form to a UKARA retailer for your details to be added.
> Please ask the site which shop they sent your form to
> Then contact the shop to ask them when they can add you to the system

3. You have completed a form and sent it to a shop and they have not added you yet.
> Please contact the shop to ask them when they can add you to the system

4. A shop has added you to the system but they have typed in your details incorrectly and therefore the details do not match correctly with your details.
> Please contact admin@ukara.org.uk so that we can manually find your entry and correct the details.

Should you experience any problems getting on the UKARA system with shops or sites then please contact UKARA admin admin@ukara.org.uk and we will find out why you have not been added to the system and help get you details added."

We hope this will provide easier access to the information.


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