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SCDTV MgSchutze interview parts 1-3

by News Fairy

Dudek from Straszydlo has sent over the latest SCDTV videos:

Hi! New stuff from SCDTV. DO you remember our friend MgSchutze? The one who made custom mg42 and pkm. Well, he did it again :D Dudek and Irek met Mg and filmed a very long interview about his latest custom guns. Fortunately, we hate long boring youtube stuff thus we decided to cut the interview into five parts.

Here are the links to parts one, two and three. Part four will be on our channel on 23rd December, part five probably after Christmas.

Part 1: Back to Beryl

Part 2: Pimp my AK

Part 3: SWU – Dragunov’s bullpup sniper rifle

Part 4: WSS Wintorez ( on 23rd Dec)

The material is in spoken Polish. Nonetheless, first three parts have English subs.
CHeers & Marry CHristmas and a Happy New year!

SCDTV TEAM (Straszydlo)

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