Home Event News Gunman Airsoft newsletter May 2013

Gunman Airsoft newsletter May 2013

by News Fairy

Here is the May newsletter from Gunman Airsoft:

Hi all and welcome to a very busy looking spring.  As always, we have had some great game days across Gunman and we’re always looking for ways to improve our service and games.  We have started running Ops weekends at all the sites now to give a more ‘Gunman’ feel to our kind of Airsoft.  These are all open weekends and perfect for the beginner, be it Saturday, Sunday or both.  Please make sure you visit the Gunman forum www.gunmanforum.com for more in and come join the community.  Get involved!

RETAIL – Target Action Supplies (TAS)
Another huge restock before the end of May will see new pistols, rifles and Tac gear.  See here for more info http://gunmanforum.com/index.php?showforum=210
We have been asked about an online service, so in short NO.  We can’t afford to hold that much stock at this time and TAS role in Gunman is a support service, even though the company stands alone.  Feel free to keep emailing your orders to tas@gunmanairsoft.co.uk and we will do our best to get you your equipment as fast as possible.  Good discounts to large purchases.
We also offer a repair and up/down grade service.

What’s coming up?

Filmsim Events presents ‘NAM – The Long Walk’
22-23 June 2013
GMA Eversley, Hampshire
65 with a 30 deposit (please only pay the deposit)
PayPal sales@filmsim.co.uk for deposits.

November 16th 1965
The Battle for Ia Drang has come to an end and General Westmoreland has demanded that the 2nd/7th Cav and 2nd/5th Cav stay at X-Ray in order to avoid the appearance of a retreat. However Col. Brown, in overall command, is worried about reports that additional PAVN units are moving into the area over the border. Westmorland has given the orders that 2nd/7th and 2nd/5th Cav should make a tactical march to new LZs, Columbus and Albany. Our story follows what happened to the 2nd/7th at LZ Albany.

2nd/7th Cav have been ambushed after what should have been a short march and extraction by the NVA 3rd and 66th Regiments and the battle is raging on. Alpha companies 1st and 2nd Platoons have pushed forward and beyond LZ Albany to some dense woodland to the North. They have been joined by a small SF unit, who were following and observing the NVA 33rd regiment. The 33rd was defeated at the siege of the SF base at Plei Me in mid October and have been resting up at the nearby 3rd Battalion NVA HQ camp nearby.

17th November our story begins…
1000hrs. A fight is about to break out at the US forces are slowly become surrounded by NVA and no one knows its outcome, The key objective for Alpha is to protect LZ Albany and stop the multilple mortar units operating in the area, which are pounding the rest of the 2nd/7th column.

Only the brave will survive…

This is a full combat weekend with many objectives for both sides to complete.
See here for more info

Site News and game days.
Build days are now up for Tuddenham and Eversley, Norwich won’t get one until we get the planning sorted.

Tuddenham news
What a site, we just had a huge EOM, the biggest since the financial crash in 2010 and war was everywhere.  We also ran our second Ops weekend which was a total success and the story is now tied into the one at Eversley and Norwich;)

Build day for Tudders is Sunday 19th May, see here

Norwich news
Still no news on the planning, so we’re still held by the 28 days a year permission.  More when we know.

However we will be running Ops weekends (when we can) at Norwich from June on as there are now 3 sites all fighting for a tiny community, so here is something different.  These are still open weekends and perfect for beginners that want more than a blat in the woods.  This has replaced the old filmsim format.
Gunman Norwich presents a new Ops open weekend.
Operation ‘Longbow pt1’ – The Source
June 1-2 2013
Welcome to another GMA FilmSim OPS Weekend. Dont be worried by the FilmSim bit, this is a game for everyone and you can use any sort of mag Hi, Low cap etc up to the Ammo Limit.
We have both sets of kit for rentals too! So get involved!!!
At the moment we have 2 sites all playing a part in the Se7en Sis7ers big story and Norwich is about to join in.

Prices 25 per day (Saturday or Sunday) or just 40 for the whole weekend (Walk-On).
Rentals 50 per day or 75 for the weekend.

We will be onsite from 16.00 on the Friday, so if you want to start the Social from Friday, feel free to join us, we have a large camping area and a toilet on site.

Scenario for Operation ‘Longbow ’ –Pt1 The Source
Following on from other CEF (Central European Force – DESERT TEAM) missions across GUNMAN, Operation Longbow is a daring attempt by CEF command to set up secret operations in and around Asia. At the moment, all operations are focused on one HVT (high value target)’The Flamingo’ and any involvement he may of had with a number of training camps around the world. A new threat has come to light known as ‘Pleides’ which may be the start of a huge attack on a number of key European cities, including major civilian and government locations. The US has given all its information to the CEF command concerning ‘The Flamingo’ after the bombing of the JFK airport in 2010. (This happened at a Gunman event in 2010).
Call Sign PUMA 040 units have just come back from an operation in Ecuador to find themselves re-deployed with PUMA 030 on a joint operation. It’s believed another priority camp has been located some 100 miles inside the CHINA border, south of Beijixang and at this point CEF don’t want to get CHINA involved. Both units will be dropped in via a night parachute drop and will have to tab in to a rendezvous some 3 clicks from target.
Mission Brief – Sat
• recon all possible camp facilities
• Mark Targets with spray
• Assault targets and search for intel
• Get intel to evac pickup
Sunday’s brief will depend entirely on Saturday’s outcome. These games are as organic as can be and its down to the guys on the ground how the story will unfold.
See here for more info

Eversley news
The car park and entrance has been redone and my god what a difference it is to drive in now.  Also the gate will be up into the site to help keep out the pikeys.  She’s looking good.
There is a build day this weekend if anyone can make it down.  We have a wild west game going on so you will have to borrow some kit whilst diggin lol.

Stoke news
Sadly we had to cancel our opening game day due to poor marketing on my part.  We have found 2 other sites running the same weekend, so will be re-thinking the game date and what we do up there.  This site is unreal and worth 40 players a day without a doubt.

North West Sites
These sites are ran by Porta (on the forum) and all the details can be found here:

Next Game Days coming up for May

Weekend Open days, Camping is free, so feel join us on the Sat night for beers round the camp fire.
£25 for the day
£40 for the weekend
Full shop on site and tuck shop will be available.

Tuddenham FILMSIM – Operations
Join us for a day or two at the one and only’ Tuddenham Aerodrome’ for Filmsim Elements.  Camping if free and you can turn up Friday night if you want to make a weekend of it.
£25 for the day
£40 for the weekend
Full shop on site and limited hot food will be available.

Eversley FILMSIM Operations
Weekend Open days, Camping is free, so feel join us on the Sat night for beers round the camp fire.
£25.00 of one day
£40.00 for the weekend
Full shop on site and tuck shop will be available.

Tuddenham End of Month SKIRMISH
Join us for a day or two at the one and only Tuddenham Aerodrome for the End of the Month Skirmish.  Camping if free and you can turn up Friday night if you want to make a weekend of it.
£25.00 of one day
£40.00 for the weekend
Full shop on site and limited hot food will be available.

Stoke End of Month FILMSIM Operations
Dates to be confirmed
£25.00 of one day
£40.00 for the weekend
Full shop on site and limited hot food will be available.

Northwest FILMSIM
Single day open day at the new Quarry site ‘The Badlands’ and the CQB ‘Pot Factory’
See here for details http://gunmanforum.com/index.php?showforum=230
£25 walk on    
£40 with gun hire special opening price.
Limited shop and hot food on site.

General game reminders

BANDAGES, for GOD SAKE– Again!!!  Guys, if you play Filmsim regularly please start bringing your own bandages with you. THIS IS STILL A PROBLEM!!!

All Games.
Can guys please try to get on site for 8.30! Too get signed in and crono.  We are still getting guys turn up after 9.30 which is briefing time!!

June 2013 at a glance
1-2 Norwich – Filmsim Ops weekend
8-9 Tuddenham – Filmsim Ops weekend
15-16 Eversley – Filmsim Ops weekend
22-23 Tuddenham – End of month Skirmish.
No dates at Stoke – Sunday Filmsim Ops Day

Word from the front
Hi guys, thanks for all your support over April.  The good weather has certainly brought out all the guys and gals for war and we have had a 20% influx of new players over the past 3 months which is awesome.  Word and mouth for the win;)

Cheers all


GMA has a pay pal account:
Don’t forget to add the 3.4% charge on top or make it a gift.
Also we can now except credit/debit cards over the phone.
New Address
93 Glinton Road, Helpston, PE6 7DG

07854 277264
Email enquiries@gunmanairsoft.co.uk


Regards, Josh Smith (Gunman Airsoft)

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