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UKAPU Beginners Guide to UK Airsoft

by News Fairy

UKAPU banner v3The UKAPU have together a new guide for beginner airsofters in the UK, share it with anyone you know who is thinking about giving airsoft a go and the friends you’ve been trying to persuade to have a go:

UK Airsoft Players Union has just published its ‘Beginners Guide to UK Airsoft’, which we hope will help encourage new players into our awesome hobby, answer some common questions and correct one or two misconceptions. Please do have a look, it’s worth a full read through if you are new to this world, but if you are simply looking for advice on a particular subject you will find that the contents is index linked.


Please share it with potential new players and if you can, put up links to the article on your airsoft pages. The guide won’t achieve anything if newbies don’t find it, and airsoft is a big, confusing world to the uninitiated! New participants are the lifeblood of every hobby.


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