Home Retailer News Latest random news from Japan and HK

Latest random news from Japan and HK

by Arnie

A Heavy Weight version of the M3 Grease Gun from Hudson is now listed on LA-Gunshop’s webpages for a price of 19,425Yen, and it’s scheduled for a release this month. Production runs are listed as being limited to an initial run of three hundred units.

A bit more news on the upcoming S&W M500 release from Tanaka, as seen on First’s pages (think I missed it last time), the initial model is going to be an 8 1/3 inch varient – no doubt more versions will be appearing throughout the year.

WGC Shop now have the new AUG M203PI mount set in stock from King Arms for 126USD and the M1887 8mm T2 shotgun from Marushin is also in stock at a price of 225USD (5 spare shells will set you back 31USD a set).

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