Home Event News NEASG: The Battle for Tolland II

NEASG: The Battle for Tolland II

by Arnie

The guys over at NEASG (North Eastern Airsoft Group) are planning on holding a huge game in May by the name of The Battle for Tolland II, if you’re available why not pop on over to their forums and register your interest?

Location: Tolcom in Tolland, MA
Date: May 13-15

I am asking all members to join together to create the LARGEST game ever in NEASG history!

This can only happen if we all work together. I am posting this now so that as many people as possible can try and make this game. For those of you that only make one or two games a year make it to this!!

I think the best event, to get everyone together for would be
The Battle for Tolland II, it is going to be held at TolCom May 14-15th, (RON Friday the 13th.)

I am looking for all of us to have a BATTLE, not just another game. Lets get 100+ vs 100+

The largest game held so far with the NEASG attracted about 140 people. Since that game, the NEASGs active membership has more than doubled and possibly tripled. The amount of people on the board is listed at over 1000. Crossfire, (NEASG)

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