Home Website Updates A.G.G.M.A. (Advanced Gas Guns for MilSim and Airsoft)

A.G.G.M.A. (Advanced Gas Guns for MilSim and Airsoft)

by Arnie

image There’s a new forum for GBB fans:


I would like to announce the news of a new GBB Forum.

A.G.G.M.A. (Advanced Gas Guns for MilSim and Airsoft)

Initially it is a forum for all WE GBB owners but will also take in new brands as they comes out to the market.

We have chosen not to involve the WA GBB in this site due to the fact that there are so many forums and sites handling this already.

Another feature of the site that is in the workings is an WE Owners Club.

More on this as it develops

Site address: www.aggma.com (www.aggma.com)

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