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Impact magazine email contact addresses

by Arnie

Paul at Freestyle Publications who is working on the new Airsoft magazine called "Impact" has some new contact email addresses for the staff working on the magazine.

If you want to contact either the Technical Editor or Publisher of Impact Magazine feel free to drop them a line at the following e-mail addresses (updated 22/02):

paul@airsoftimpact.com Paul Monaf, Publisher
jay@airsoftimpact.com Techninal Editor
sandie@airsoftimpact.com Magazine Adminstrator
mark@airsoftimpact.com MD

For anyone that missed the previous news story this new magazine is a monthly publication, is expected to have a circulation of around 40,000 and is going to hit major newsagents (such as WH Smiths and Dillons) in May of this year. Even better news for folks interested in the magazine is that the expected cost per issue is only £2.50.

Update (22/02): The email addresses listed above have changed because of the sheer volume of traffic that was generated:

Thanks for all of your e-mails – but due to the massive response it will take us a some time to respond to all of you

Its great to see that there is so much positive feed back, Thank you for all of your kind words. Paul (Impact Magazine)

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