Home Retailer News Wiley-X at Stoppa

Wiley-X at Stoppa

by Arnie

Click here to visit StoppaMatthew over at Stoppa has dropped in some news from them with some more products that may well be appealing to Airsofters. Their Wiley-X gear isn’t that easy to find (I had to use the search facility on site as it’s actually listed under their special offers link on the main page) so by all means use this direct link to make life easier.

Thanks Arnie for featuring our Damascus gloves. […] Can I draw your attention to the excellent Wiley-X range of eyewear.
These glasses/googles are current issue to US Forces, FBI, DEA and Navy Seals. They have been designed to offer bags of ballistic protection in a very usable and stylish design. They will stop a 5.8 grain projectile at 640fps and are optically perfect! Prescription lenses are also available for the SG-1.

I have attached a PDF showing the two designs we stock that are most suitable for Airsoft. They are relatively unknown in the UK and have been difficult to obtain here but are very common in the US and Iraq but certainly give the other quality brands a run for their money. More details on our website. Matthew,(Stoppa)

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