Dragon Valley Airsoft are holding a special event at Sennybridge:
For the first time in well over a decade Dragon Valley Airsoft are running an event away from their home at Caerwent Training Area. On Saturday 11th July "Dragon Valley on the Road" will be taking place at the FIBUA village on Sennybridge Training Area. It promises to be a day of non-stop airsoft action as the two opposing forces fight for control of the numerous buildings that make up the village. For those who have played at Sennybridge before the playing area needs no introduction, and for those who haven’t this video (https://vimeo.com/46672528) shot by our good friend Flypix at a Shoreline Milsim event gives a good overview (literally!) of the village.
Bookings are being taken now at http://www.dragonvalley.co.uk/booking2/non_step1.php
Cost for this event is £45 with a £10 discount offered to any players willing to stay behind and help sweep out the village at the end of the day.