Home Event News Popular Airsoft – KamiWars/Rapier 01 moved to 2010

Popular Airsoft – KamiWars/Rapier 01 moved to 2010

by Arnie

Popular Airsoft have sent out some updates in relation to their upcoming events:

Last September 26, 2009, Typhoon Ondoy (international name: Ketsana) hit the Philippines, causing massive devastation, flooding and deaths. In a matter of hours, about a month’s worth of rain fell on Metro Manila, submerging 80 percent of the capital city under water. Barely a week after, Typhoon Pepeng (Parma) ravaged Northern Luzon, destroying thousands of square meters of farmlands. Reports of the number of displaced citizens range from 60,000 to 500,000, with at least 300 people killed. The local government and various private relief workers concede that they are overwhelmed by the scale of the destruction. Other parts of Southeast Asia were not spared, as the two typhoons continued its destructive paths toward Vietnam and Taiwan.


The airsoft community has not been spared, as a great majority of the airsoft population in the Philippines are from the Metro Manila and Luzon regions.

In light of these most recent calamities, and realizing the impending financial difficulties that Filipino and Southeast Asian Airsofters face in the coming months, we at Popular Airsoft Magazine postpone the staging of Rapier 01: The 1st World Airsoft Challenge and the Kami Wars tentaively set on the 10-13 of June 2010 (please stay tuned with this), and instead, bring you Ratratan 2009: SLOW BURN, a Fund-raising Fellowship Game that will benefit the victims of Typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng. This will also serve as a kick-off event for the new dates of the international events. This decision spurred from countless requests from our brothers-in-arms for assistance in whatever form. We at Popular Airsoft believe that it is never enough to remember the less fortunate in thoughts alone. Let us remember them by our deeds.

Ratratan 2009 will be held in lieu of Rapier 01 and Kami Wars on 28 or 29 November 2009 at the Nayong Pilipino in Pasay City, Metro Manila. Final date will be posted immediately.

We would like to request the International Airsoft Community to help out our fellow Filipino Airsofters by donating or contributing something to our Ratratan 2009 Charity Game. Please email us at info@popularairsoft.com  to enquire about helping our brothers and sisters.

All players and sponsors who have made payments, please do contact us at events@popularairsoft.com  to get your full refund.

In solidarity with our fellows in the Philippines. We remain.

(Popular Airsoft)

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